Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sam's new hat!!

Sam got this new blue hat along with a book called "Sam's new hat" from Grandma Jan. Isn't it cute?!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Ben lost his first
tooth tonight!!!! We're so excited. We can't wait to see what the toothfairy brings~


For some reason blogger doesn't like to put things in the order I download them in. So...the pictures should be in the following order. Kids in pj's opening gifts...then the family in Illinois.
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!!
The whole family at Granny Ginny's. It was a good time, but hard without Grandpa. We really miss him and think of him often.

The kids with birthday cake for baby Jesus.

Daddy and I....yes he does always have a goofy look on his face:)

Mom and Dad with their kids, daughter and son-n-law and grandkids. In true R.G. fashion...he's got his face covered:)

The kids opening presents at our house before leaving for Illinois.

On their way down stairs...before opening gifts.

Enjoying a cookie to build up strength to open the rest of our presents.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve night....we got the kids to calm down for a second so we could take a picture.
What to do on Christmas Eve? Go outside and play of course! Sam wanted Ben to pull him through the yard......

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Grandma and Santa

This picture was taken at the end of the day. You can tell there are a few kids who did not take a nap. My favorite thing is Becca's face.

Aren't the boys cute?

Let me think...have I been naughty or nice?!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Candy Land Lane

On Saturday night we went to Candy Cane Lane (or Candy Land Lane as Ben calls it). It's a 4 block by 6 block area (approx) that lights up for the holidays. Santa is there and they collect donations for the MACC fund. (Midwest Althetes against childhood cancer).

Friday, December 01, 2006


For the 1st time in 5 years??? we had a SNOW DAY!! The kids and I decided to get bundled up and walk to Walgreens. Sam does not like snow and screamed as it went into his mouth.
After naps we made cookies....YUM!!!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Gobble, Gobble

Rob making the gravy.

back: Rob, Rick, Dad
front: me, Josey, Mom

Enjoying our meal!

The whole family!!!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Sam's Birthday

Sam is 3 (despite what his hand says!)

Enjoying a cupcake at 'the best party ever'. We decided to take Sam to McDonald's for a birthday supper. The Cline's joined us.

Candee and Marlee enjoying cupcakes.

Train Fest

Ben thought Uncle Robbie would like this one.

This layout/train was made entirely of was pretty cool!!!

Last Saturday (11/11) we went to Train Fest at State Fair Park. It was MUCH bigger than I expected. I thought...model railroads...a few displays what more could there be? Well it was REALLY well attended. The kids loved looking at the trains.

Catch up!!

Well I am FINALLY getting to post!!! Someone (who will remain anonymous to protect HIS innocence) 'misplaced' the cable that connects to the camera. It has been recovered and all is ok.
New things going on in our life:
1. NO, I'm NOT pregnant!
2. My 2nd grad school class is over. I just need to revise my paper (tomorrow!!) and get it turned in. I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to have a few minutes to breathe!!! My next class starts the week after Thanksgiving.
3. We are hosting Thanksgiving at our house this year. We have spent the weekend trying frantically to clean and finish our relatives don't hurt themselves walking around the mess in our house.
4. Sam's birthday!!! Look for a separate post---which will probably show up BEFORE this one with pics.
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. We'll be sure to post pictures.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

trick or treat

This one really should be last. The kids are enjoying their hot cocoa after trick or treating.

There's always room for one more on the broom!

The kids before we head to for CANDY!

Candee, Michelle, and Me....with our beverages!

Last night was our neighborhood trick or treat. Michelle, Scott, Jenna and Olivia (Jenna's friend) came up for supper and candy. The Clines (Candee, Frank, Alex and Marlee) also came over. The kids got TONS of candy. Jason and I, being the good parents we are, needed to 'inspect' the candy:)

Friday, October 27, 2006

Fall news

These are some pictures of Ben and I making a pumpkin pie- using a real pumpkin. It was an all day process...but worth the wait!

On Sunday we went to the pumpkin farm. It was FREEZING and muddy! I'll add some pictures sometime...if I can ever get blogger to work.
Tuesday night was 'Family Fun Night' we carved our pumpkins. It was quite an experience...since Ben knew exactly what he wanted his pumpkin to look like but we couldn't seem to get it right!

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Sam and Ben at the Halloween Dance at Fairview School.
Sam is 'Super Sam'.

I think this picture is just adorable! I went in to check on Sam on night before I went to bed...and this what I found:)

Yesterday was nice enough for Ben and Jason to clean out the gutters...and start to clean up the learf mess.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sunday, October 08, 2006

One more picture

Here is a picture of Grandpa holding me (1972). He is famous for getting cranky babies to go to sleep!

A Tribute to Grandpa Bob

Grandpa Bob is still in the hospital, fighting a hard battle. I thought I would post some pictures...just so he knows we're thinking about him and we love him!

With Dad (Ger) and Granny in 1952

April 2005
Grandpa holding Sam
Granny holding Ben

Grandpa Bob, Me, Granny Ginny 2005

Granny and Grandpa 2004