Saturday, June 24, 2006

potty news

Sam went poopy in the toliet today!! He walked into the bathroom, went, and then came to tell me---of course he tells me all the time that he goes--but this time he actually did it. He also went to potty in the bathroom at Wal-mart tonight---another 1st! I can't WAIT to be done with diapers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 23, 2006


I am late on getting these pictures here but these are from last week. The kids enjoyed their first day of summer vacation by swimming.

Drive In

We went to the drive in to see the movie Cars.
We all enjoyed the family time.

above: Ben playing & Sam dancing

Jason giving the ids water---he said he didn't want floaties in the water.

Engagement Photo

On Sunday we went to Gurnee Mills mall. We ate lunch at the Rain Forest Cafe (my bribe to the kids to behave). Then we went to Archivers- my new FAVORITE place.
One of these pictures is of Ben and Carey, his fiance'. He aked her to marry him- "not now but when I grow up".


This is the church we've been attending.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Da Plane, Da Plane

This past weekend Jason went to Wisconsin Rapids to a electric fun fly. Here is a picture of his Ultimate Bi-Plane that he converted from gas to electric. The guys there were MIGHTY impressed with the power it had--especially for the plane's size. It was one of 4 planes that was picked out for size and uniqueness!!!
Jason's plane is the one in front.

Dancing Queen

Sunday afternoon we went to see Jenna's dance recital in Illinois. She did an awesome job as the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. Then she and her mom did a beautiful dance to "In My Daughter's Eyes". It was unbelievably great and I was crying through the whole thing. Unfortunately my camera only got blurry pictures:( But I do have a picture of Michelle and Jenna.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Can't believe it's June already. We are looking forward to school being out. I started my masters program last week. I'm not sure I'm ready for this!
We went to Mt. Morris this weekend to see my friend Nick. He and I had a good time supporting the town through our 'donations' to the bars:) Here's a picture of Nick and I--early in the evening.