Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Random vacation pictures

Just various pictures from vacation. We're packing up and heading home tomorrow. I think we might stay the night in Nashville????


This year's contest is really more of a quiz.....

What happened to cause Chris to be in a wheelchair at the Magic Kingdom:

A. was just an act to get really good seats for the parade and not have to wait in line for rides

B. After picking oranges from government property (near the Kennedy Space Center) she tripped in a hole

C. She tripped over one of the kids

D. She fell- chasing the Anheuser- Busch wagon at Sea World

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Playing with cousins

Teeny-tiny Jason (Sam) and teeny-tiny Joe (Jonathan)
A picture with the McCoy cousins- L to R

Nathan, Jonathan, Ben, Juliana, and Sam

It's a bird, it's a's Super Sam!!!

And of course things don't download in order...
When we were in Chattanoga, TN (not real sure if I spelled that right) we went to Lookout Mountain. It was a HUGE mountain. The 1st picture is of the boys on a trail we went on (of course I was spazing out because of the hill). The 2nd picture is a view from the top of the mountain.

We left Friday morning at 3:45 a.m. (well actually 4:15 by the time we went back home twice!) We stopped in Metropolis, IL. Sam was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!! When we walked into the Superman store he kept saying "OH MY GOODNESS!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Weekend with Dad

Jason and Ben went up near Wisconsin Rapids this weekend. They took the camper and spent the weekend flying airplanes. They both had a GREAT time. Sam and I stayed home, cleaned the house and got packed for vacation:)!!!!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

The great outdoors

In an effort to avoid homework, I decided to weed the section of my 'garden'. The first picture is the start of my efforts. The 2nd is a different section. I HATE gardening...but neighbors like that it's not a weed field now:)

Friday, June 01, 2007

Card carrying member

Ben got his library card today!! He is now a card carrying member of the Milwaukee Public Library and has agreed to all responsibilites that go along with the card. This is the 1st book he chose to check out!!! You know I'm ready to make a scrapbook page.