Sunday, June 29, 2008

Overview of our week!!!

Monday- We went to the Greenfield Public Library for a program on bugs, insects, and other 'critters'! Here Sam is holding a toad. He also enjoyed holding a crawfish. The program was AWESOME!!! Info on the program

Also on Monday-- we planted sunflower seeds...they were eaten by a pest in the yard....we are NOT happy!!!
Monday night...T-ball started
Thursday- a trip to the downtown library to see a magic show by Labak the Magician (didn't love the show) but the kids thought the downtown library was cool and it was cool to be downtown.

Friday- the pool at the park opened!! We are so happy-- every year there is a threat that it won't open. The boys (and Nick and Zack) had fun in the cold water:)
Today-- we noticed that the little egg planters (given to us by Granny last year!) sprouted. We opened and watered them earlier this week in hopes they would grow!!!
Upcoming events: Wednesday (my last Stats class- which has been going suprisingly well considering my self diagnosed math disability)
Friday to Mt. Morris for the 4th.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A day at the zoo.

On our first day of summer vacation we went to the zoo with our friends Sally, Zack and Nick. The boys all had a great time running around.

Here is the baby orangutan. I am in LOVE with him!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day to Grandpa Buck and Grandpa Ger!!! We like when you do fun things with us.
We love you. Ben and Sam

School's out!!!

To celebrate the last day of school and day care (we will be RICH$$$!!!!) we went to the drive in movie in Jefferson. It was a LONG trip there...due to the flooding and it seemed all roads to Jefferson were closed. We made it though!! I told the guy at the gate about our long trek to get there...and we got a free popcorn:) Nothing says it's summer like a trip to the drive in.
Today it FINALLY was sunny out and the boys were able to play outside. We were able to go play in the sand at the park and visit the pond. Ben is holding a snail he fished out of the pond.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Come sail away, come sail away....'s been raining a bit the last 24 hours. These pictures show our street (which the sewer drain wasn't working)! We got a little water in the basement. It's supposed to continue raining today...yay:(

Monday, June 02, 2008


On Sunday we went to Mt. Morris to see my friend Nick and his daughter Samantha!!! Samantha was baptised at the Methodist Church. We were also lucky to meet Rudy and Nicholas (their 7 year old son). Here is a picture of Nick and I and our Sam's!!!!!!!