Sunday, July 27, 2008


There are times that I lOVE our neighborhood...and it feels more like a community within the city. One of those times is Halloween...the other is the annual corn roast...which was today!!! The kids had a GREAT time getting squirted by the fire trucks and everyone enjoyed the corn!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Catching up with friends!!!

This afternoon we met Beth, Rob ("The Lobsterman") and Aelia at a park in Waukesha. It was so good to see them--they live in Maine and were here visiting family. Ben had fun investigating the surrounding area and Sam and Aelia had fun playing together!!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008


This bird (named Pecky- by the boys) has landed on our window and been pecking on our window. I'm not real sure what he wants.
This is Sam in one of his costumes....he is CRAZY!!!!