Sunday, March 29, 2009

a new friend

For those of you not in the snowed last night. It snowed a lot. We are all sad see to our old friend snow....we thought he was going on vacation for 9 months or so....

Here is the snowman that Sam built today.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Lotsa Pasta!!!

Serving lunch...check out the size of the the bowl above!!!! Teachers were lined up to eat!
Making the spaghetti....6 lbs of it...notice my awesome hot pad...made by my niece Becca.

The hall outside our room
Today we had our first Cafe... we served a spaghetti lunch for the teachers. It was a lot of work...but the staff loved it and seeing the pride on my student's faces made it worthwhile.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

The scene of the crime..that sneaky little leprechaun got in the house again- this year through the front window. Sam is looking at the goodies the leprechaun left (as a thank you for using our bathroom). Ben is looking down the street for signs of the leprechaun.

I know this is a little late---as the day is almost over...but better late than never?!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Catch up

Friday we went to the Jelly Belly store/factory/distribution place. We went on a tour and learned how they make jelly beans then got a sample....YUMMY!!!

Pictures from Sam's 'First Stage acting class'. He did a very nice job today showing me all he has learned.