Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend

We spent the weekend camping near the Wisconsin Dells--which I might add is a HUGE tourist trap set up to rip you off:) We had a good time camping- minus the 5,000,000,000,000,000 (don't ask me say this number because I can't) mosquitos. I think we might all have either: West Nile, Bird Flu, or Malaria (also know by Laura Ingalls Wilder's family as fever 'n auge). I wonder where our friend the little brown bat was?
This morning we rode the 'Orignal Wisconsin Ducks' $20 for adults---crazy! The boys enjoyed it. The driver said to keep hands in the boat on the road and Ben took this to mean all the time. I wanted to write a social story for him...."When I go on the Ducks with my family the driver might say...." Sorry...just got back from a 2 day Autism conference.
I'll add pictures later....I need to go attend to my bites!


bethandrobert said...

Oh My Gosh! A new pop up camper at the McCoy house. How cool! You guys will spend many fun family hours in that I'm sure. Yay summer!!! Less than 3 weeks for me until the end of the school year. I'll be in Wisconsin at the end of this month ;)

Good Luck with those bites... the black flies are coming out in Maine -- YUCK!--

Chris, Jason, Ben and Sam said...

Hey there! We definetly need to get together when you're out here!