Saturday, July 01, 2006


I got a little bored in the car!!

Sam sleeping with his new pillow from Grandma Jan.

So we're a little corny:)

The boys at the first South Dakota rest area.

Way too early this morning! As we were leaving town.

We got up early this morning (even though Jason and I were EXHAUSTED) and got ready to head to South Dakota.
We stopped about a million times to use the bathroom. The good news is that Sam stayed dry the whole way here!
We are staying the night in Mitchell, South Dakota home of the Corn Palace (or the castle as Sam calls it).
We are getting up early tomorrow am to head to Wall Drug and then on to Mt. Rushmore.
Hopefully the boys will go to sleep so Jason and I can rest!!!

1 comment:

The Young Family said...

I remember the Corn Palace from about 17 years ago. Nice to see that the newer generation still goes to see that "corny" stuff.