Thursday, September 14, 2006


This is Ben's homework. He is VERY proud of the word 'see' on the right side. He showed it to me and said "Mom, look it's my best e ever!" I must agree with him. I would like to point out what a nice job he did coloring the apple tree. I do know that he didn't write down the answer to the how many apples question. Being the teacher that I am...I'm going to just let him turn it in this way (FYI--he did know the answer was 6)

1 comment:

bethandrobert said...

So, I'm sitting here looking at your lovely blog with Rob looking over my shoulder. I spy Ben's gorgeous "e" on his homework and I say, "Ahh... that IS a beautiful e!" without even thinking that it might sound strange to someone who doesn't spend all day teaching children. Rob started cracking up!!! Oh... the joys of being a teacher and learning to recognize something great when we see it!