Monday, August 13, 2007

The clubhouse is DONE!!!

Jason took advantage of some time without the kids around...and got the clubhouse done. The boys LOVE it!!! They have informed us that they would like a tv in it so they can watch their favorite shows. We said 'sure, we'll buy you a flat screen' JUST KIDDING!!!
They were both very excited to eat supper in the clubhouse. We spent the night getting the ground leveled, adding sod (man is that stuff heavy and messy!!), sand to the sandbox (even heavier than sod!). We've got a little more work to do to get it all done.
On a totally unrelated note, I found lavendar plants tonight. I have been wanting one for a while and was so excited to find where to plant it??!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a pretty fun place! I vote for the TV..... not sure Grandma will fit up there though.
Tell them to have fun in their new "club house".
Love Grandma Jan

Anonymous said...

Cool dudes in a cool clubhouse! I am totally coming over :))