Thursday, May 07, 2009

Finally an update

A peacock in a tree. I didn't realize that peacocks could get up in trees- guess you learn something new everyday.
It felt like the elephant as so close that it was going to throw something at us!
Sam wanted to pose by the sign...have I raised him well or what?:)
The boys don't have school today or tomorrow. I took today off to stay home with them. We cleaned out closets (a job I HATE) and went to the zoo. Jason will be staying home with them tomorrow...more fun times I'm sure!!!!


Mindy said...

looked like a fun day! Did you clean the closets before you went to the zoo?!

bethandrobert said...

We LOVE that zoo. We are sad we won't be there this summer -- but we'll be back in the summer of 2010 with two kids :)

And we'll see you in our neck of the woods this summer!!! :)